Tribute Directory
Thank You All for Helping us Launch and Supporting The Dog Cancer Tribe
The following members and their dogs have contributed to the Tribe at the Sponsors Level:

- Katherine Ely in honor of her dog

- Sarah at Paws n’ Sniff in honor of her dog

- Dale Golden in honor of his dog
The following members and their dogs have contributed to the Tribe at the Supporter Level:
- Mark at The Davidson Insurance Agency in honor of his dog
- Nadine Johnson in honor of her dog Zeus
- Maria Knapek in honor of her dog
- Zita Davis in honor of her dog
- Michael Lang in honor of his dog
- Robin Allen in honor of her dog
- Virginia Wise in honor of her dog
Would you like to add your dog’s name and photo to our tribute lists? Then please use the links below to contribute to the Dog Cancer Tribe, help us support the efforts to help the dog cancer community, and we’ll be proud to add your names to the list:
The Dog Cancer Tribe is a charity funded not-for-profit under the umbrella of its sister charity, The Dog Cancer Crusade and Giving Globally 501(c)(3). It’s 100% member supported, and 100% free for every single person who wants and needs this information and care.
Donations to The Dog Cancer Tribe pay for all of the services, administration, hosting, and outreach we provide to get this information out to the world. It funds creation of the website, which is already started but could use work to make it worthy of the home it deserves to be. It provides resources to purchase books and other information for distribution to Tribe members (both online digital, and hard copy versions for people who need it). And even helps create a fund that will allow us to provide free supplements and other resources to dog owners who can’t afford to pay for their dog’s cancer care.
Pledge $24 or More
Get your Name and Your Dog’s Name (living or in memory of one who has passed) listed on our Dog Cancer Tribe Supporters Page
Pledge $48 or More
Get listed on our Supporters Page – AND – get a free printed copy of my Fighting Canine Cancer Book shipped to you (or donate your copy so we can send it to someone else who needs it to care for their dog)
Pledge $65 or More
Get (or donate) a free printed copy of my book – AND – your Name and Your Dog’s Name and Picture (living or in memory of one who has passed) – posted on our Dog Cancer Tribe Sponsors Page
Pledge $95 or More
Add your Dog’s Name and Picture (living or in memory of one who has passed) to our Sponsors Page – AND – get a free printed copy of my complete Fighting Canine Cancer Book and Bonus Package (printed book, bonuses, transcripts, and audio interview CDs) shipped to you – or donate your copy so we can send it to someone else who needs it to care for their dog
Pledge $125 or More
Get (or donate) your free printed VIP Book and Bonus Package – AND – add your Name and Your Dog’s Name, Picture, and Written Tribute (living or in memory of one who has passed) – posted on our Dog Cancer Tribe Partners Page
Pledge $250 or More
Get (or donate) two (2) printed VIP Book and Bonus Packages – AND – add your Name and Your Dog’s Name (living or in memory of one who has passed), Multiple Pictures, and Extended Tribute – posted on our Dog Cancer Tribe Patrons Page
Pledge $500 or More
Get (or donate) five (5) free printed VIP Book and Bonus Packages – AND – add your Name and Your Dog’s Name (living or in memory of one who has passed), Multiple Pictures, and Extended Tribute – memorialized on the website as a Dog Cancer Tribe Angel
Pledge $1,000 or More
Get (or donate) ten (10) free printed VIP Book and Bonus Packages – AND – add your Name and Your Dog’s Name (living or in memory of one who has passed), Multiple Pictures, and Extended Tribute – memorialized on the website as a Dog Cancer Tribe Angel
Or, if you want to donate a different amount, Click Here to choose the amount you wish to donate, and you’ll be taken to PayPal to complete your donation. (You can donate with your PayPal account, or by credit card as well.)
Please Note: All one time only donations are processed under the PayPal account of the Dog Cancer Tribe’s parent charity, Giving Globally, the Arizona based 501(c)(3) charity organization that manages the finances of the Dog Cancer Crusade.